Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living Essay -- Socrates, Greek Philo
Socrates is right when he says the â€Å"the unexamined life isn't worth living†In request to talk about why Socrates is right, I might want to talk about these different focuses which comprise of: the hugeness just as the fundamental significance of his statement â€Å"the unexamined life isn't worth living†, the contrast between an unexamined life and an analyzed life, explicit models, the significance of an individual carrying on with an inspected life and finally, regardless of whether I’m carrying on with an inspected life. Socrates was a Greek rationalist who lived from 469-399 B.C.E. Socrates accepted that Philosophy was basically a social action, which in certainty he utilized regularly. He would end up wandering the roads of Athens scrutinizing the young or just any individual who might allow him to converse with them. Besides, Socrates addresses made individuals totally crazy, until the purpose of supreme shock maybe. He took a stab at demonstrating a point which is cited â€Å"Look, here we are, two uninformed men, yet two, men who want to know. I will seek after the inquiry truly in the event that you are†(Palmer, 31).Ultimately, this implied the individual Socrates was addressing really didn’t know anything by any means, similarly just as Socrates himself, so which for the them two would stay looking for reality. After being executed for showing bogus precepts and adulterating the young people of Athens. Socrates said something before being killed that would in the end be known as one of the most renowned statements all through way of thinking, which would appear to reverberate into the ages to come. Socrates said the â€Å"the unexamined life isn't worth living†(Palmer, 33). The essentialness to this announcement can be deciphered from various perspectives however notwithstanding its ambi... ...e sincerely I think I’d be an act of futility and that’s the equivalent for any other individual also. In spite of the fact that, there are heaps of individuals out there who do carry on with an unexamined life, its not on the grounds that they don’t care yet more so for the explanation they don’t have the opportunity or day to try and figure them-selves out, there is a contrast between the two, don’t get confounded. I’m making an effort not to state that in the event that you carry on with an unexamined life, you’ll never will undoubtedly live an inspected one, however it’s simply that it would come later on in life that you have this revelation of who you really are as individual. I surmise the maxim goes†it’s better late then never†. Taking everything into account, I’ve given all of you my reasons of why I realize that Socrates was right when he said â€Å"the unexamined life isn't worth living†, presently what the genuine inquiry comes down to is, which sort of life would you say you are living†¦Unexa mined or Examined?
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Frq-French and Indian War free essay sample
Because of the French and Indian War, the British ended up paying off debtors and reprimanded the pilgrims for their destitution which eventually influenced the efficient connection between the British and the homesteaders. The British executed the Townsend Acts which burdened lead, glass, paint, and tea. The British authorized the stamp Act which put a duty on each printed authoritative archive. After the stamp Act was placed vigorously, the homesteaders fought by pounding charge authorities and boycotting every British great until the Stamp Act was at long last repealed.Each of the duties straightforwardly influenced the conservative connection between the British and the pioneers in light of the fact that the settlers had to pay uncalled for charges that they didn't favor of. Albeit numerous demonstrations were actualized that influenced the practical relationship, a significant number of the demonstrations influenced the political relationship. The Boston Tea Party was held when a restraining infrastructure on tea was given to the British East India Company. We will compose a custom paper test on Frq-French and Indian War or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Thus, the British implemented the Coercive Acts (Boston Port Act) which influenced the pioneers most naturally on the grounds that it shut down the harbors which shut down the employment of the colonists.John Adams at that point called the 1 SST Continental Congress and he advanced a complete blacklist of every single British great and the Declaration of Rights which was sent to the King. The Coercive Acts were the last draw and the Revolution started soon after when British soldiers were sent into Lexington. Every one of these demonstrations influenced the political connection between the British and the homesteaders in light of the fact that the uncalled for laws and acts f the British prompted the settlers assurance to split away and maintain their own political views.Many factors brought about by the French and Indian War later lead to the American Revolution. Amusingly, the battle of the transformation pushed the settlements towards France and prompted the freedom of the United States, when the Declaration of Independence was realized. Monetary and policy centered Issues started among France and America after the French and Indian war. They were later content with ACH other because of the help they gave one another.FRR-French and Indian War By librarianship AP US History opened 3 September 5, 2013 its North American settlements. From the timespan of 1763-1765, numerous events Stamp Act which put an assessment on each printed authoritative archive. After the Stamp Act was pilgrims. John Adams at that point called the first Continental Congress and he advanced an Independence was realized. Financial and policy driven issues started among France and America after the French and Indian War.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Maturity and Admissions - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Maturity and Admissions - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Maturity and Admissions Every once in a while, when I have to give out tough information on this blog, there are the expected negative comments. Yesterday, after I alerted students about the wait-list situation, there were a few readers whose comments became offensive and out of line. As such, this post looks at how college admissions offices look at the concept of maturity in the overall admissions process. Part of the freshmen file review process looks at the concept of maturity. In fact, in the six part series about file reading, here is a small portion of one of the posts that deals with this issue: Maturity also shows up in a persons interaction with others, be it teachers, friends or classmates. Many of these applicants will be studying in UGAs classrooms, living in our residence halls, and being a part of our community. What will they be like when they are on our campus, and how will they interact with the rest of the UGA community? As you can see, when possible, we are looking at the applicants as citizens and people, and what they how they will act at UGA. Do we always get this information? Sadly, no, as recommendations are generally self-selected and focused on the positive aspects, and not always the complete student. As well, people are complex, and have many different characteristics. Do I occasionally see students in the news, fans on game days, and alumni who show this lack of maturity? Oh yes, and I cringe each time. But we do look seriously when there are red flags in conduct areas, from discipline issues to arrests, honor code violations to unusual gaps in information that seem worrisome. No community is perfect, but we can strive to make it better. But beyond the admission review process, we are also looking at maturity in our communication with a student and their family. While we are fine with working with parents, we are more impressed when students take the lead in their college admission process, as they will be the ones in the classrooms and in our buildings. In addition, when a person screams at us, swears at us, misleads us, tries to play us against another UGA office or person within our office, or makes false statements, this might be an indication that the admission decision was a good one maturity wise. When a person on this blog wrote yesterday that UGA stood for United Group of A******, and another person wrote Finally found out what the D in DGraves stood for, D*****, I was somewhat embarrassed for the people who wrote this. If a student wants to work with our office, the best way is for the student to contact us directly, treat us in a civil fashion, and maybe we can work on a plan to reach a students college go als for the future. And for parents, please remember that how you respond to an admissions office makes an impression on how your student perceives you, and may impact how the interact with us as well. Please know that we work with a great deal of wonderful, mature people, and the negative issues are limited. But every admissions office deals with these issues at times and takes them seriously. Please make sure that you represent yourself (or your student) in a way that you want to be viewed by the college, both in the admission process and later when you are a member of the university community. Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. Samuel Ullman
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Molecular Formula for Water
The molecular formula for water is H2O. One molecule of water consists of one oxygen atom covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms. There are three isotopes of hydrogen. The usual chemical formula for water assumes the hydrogen atoms consist of the isotope protium (one proton, no neutrons). Heavy water is also possible, in which one or more of the atoms of hydrogen consist of deuterium (symbol D) or tritium (symbol T). Other forms of the chemical formula for water include D2O, DHO, T2O, and THO. Its theoretically possible to form TDO, although such a molecule would be extremely rare. Although most people assume water is H2O, only completely pure water lacks other elements and ions. Drinking water usually contains chlorine, silicates, magnesium, calcium, aluminum, sodium, and trace amounts of other ions and molecules. Also, water dissolves itself, forming its ions, H and OH-. A sample of water contains the intact water molecule along with hydrogen cations and hydroxide anions.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Working Class and Age Group Free Essays
Looking at the information ICM provided about relationship between neighbours, it is evident that there is a huge difference between the quantities of good neighboring relationships in different age groups, for example, from the total number, 47358, only 1031, which mearns 18% claims to have a very good relationship with their neighbours, and by the age group 65+, this number increases to 59%, which mearns 5820 people, which mearns times more â€Å"good neighboring†relationships then at the first age group. Also from the first age group 645 from 1031 claims that they don`t have a good relationships with neighbours, but in the other age group I am examining, only 498 says the same, which is only 5% of the total number. After looking at the table in whole, it can be seen clearly how numbers increase together, which is a pattern: the number of good relationships increase with growing age. We will write a custom essay sample on Working Class and Age Group or any similar topic only for you Order Now I have also found an interesting anomaly when examining the question about how much time neighbours spending together, the numbers do not increase proportionally. As a matter fact the 25-34 age group decreases time spent with other neighbours by 2% compared to the 18-24 age group, then after increasing again by the age of 54, it goes down again by 1%, which mearns number of relationships are not permanent, and they change many times in a human`s life. The other table shows how relations formed according to regional and social class based data, with the same questions as in table 1. Upper and middle classes seem to socialize more than skilled, or unskilled workers, they have a better relationship with neighbours than those who are possibly on a lower income. It is interesting that the members of skilled worker class (C2) claim to know all their neighbours more than members of the upper, or middle class do (AB), but still, both classes claim they know the names of their neighbours, even if the C2 class does speak rarely to people around them, and it is a regional pattern to know each-others names between neighbours. Sum of it all, neighbours in different regions who are from the upper, and skilled worker class mostly know each-others names, and socialize more by the time passes, and only a low number comparing to totals are claiming that they live in an unfriendly neighborhood, and also with growing age most people have better relationships with their neighbours, and know more about them, and also older people think more they live in a friendly community. It is also interesting that twice as more from the upper class (AB) is neutral about neighboring,(4%) and claims they do not have any relationships with neighbours, than the worker class, from which only 2% answered the same. 457 words. Self reflection: This was probably the most difficult task for me so far, because working with numbers was always hard for me, I have understood the question, but to bond the data in sentences was also difficult, (as English is not my mother tongue) the main patterns were the numbers which were increasing with growing aged groups, and also I think in more crowded places such as South-East, â€Å"unfriendliness â€Å" is more common. It was interesting to see how ppercentages can differ as well in different age groups. c2711493 Part 2: Examine the argument that `Good fences make good neighbours` witnesses. About the two killings,`The whole issue was not about what the bystanders thought, or felt at the time of the murder, but about the failure to act. (Making Social Lives, p 274) It is one of the biggest concerns in our minds, when to get involved in other peoples conflicts, about when the situation is serious enough to act, also when we see a family, or people who seems to be a family, we just simply would not like to get involved, and this is also a reason why James Bulger died. Being neighbours is one of the most important from ordered type of relationships in our lives, it is ordered, because mostly we do not choose who becomes our neighbour, so separation and constantly working to improve these connections is truly important. In the 19th century with the enormous growth of cities, with urbanisation, when people from rural places were seeking for better life circumstances, could only afford the cheapest accommodation in streets where it was not even enough space for two people to walk next to each other, was almost impossible to have privacy, for example they could only move beds away from walls, so this way reducing intrusion made by sounds of intimate activities. Engels, who is the author of The condition of the Working Class in England, investigated how these members of the community lived poorly in cottages, with cellars used as dwellings. These cottages had three, or four rooms, built tthroughout in England, the streets were filled with vegetable and animal refuse, without sewers or gutters. (Engels, 2005 [1845], p71) These often diseased places, according to him were well separated with high walls, and simply on the other side of these `back streets` were shop fronts, and bypassing streets for the real `beneficiaries of urbanisation`. This was a systematic act to separate classes, the rich, and the poor working class, so the one above could not see the poverty, and remain untroubled by the sights, smells, and sounds of the poor and unemployed. Making Social Lives, p218) For the working class, the urbanisation was disruptive, and produced great inequalities, thus it made neighboring habits more like issues, so during the industrial capitalism in the mid 1800`s to form friendly relationships was harder than ever. In our age the neighborhood does not only mean only a roof above our heads, but something more. The author` s experience with buying their new home also suggests that a neighborhood mearns relationship with other people living in the same street, solidarity, security, helpfulness. We expect the same from individuals, as from the neighborhood as a place. Neighbours are expected to have a general disposition towards friendliness, while at the same time, respecting others need to privacy and reserve (Willmott, 1986, p55). Keeping distance is as important as being friendly with others, and this is also true in our everyday life, not only when interacting with our neighbours. In most occasions, when relationships break down, the main reason is intrusiveness, disturbing others` privacy. As there is no code of conduct eing a good neighbour, the boundaries between friendliness, and intrusiveness are subject to interpretation, and it is hard to decide when to make a formal complaint about someone`s intrusive, or disturbing behavior. Elizabeth Stokoe (2006) for example examines transcripts from recordings from a mediation involving complaints about c2711493 intimate noises. It is difficult to talk about these kind of subjects, as it can be seem infringing the neighbour` s right to whatever he or she wants in her own home, and for the other person can be accused with excessive curiosity and nosiness. In this case it was not really about the aactivity itself, but about failing to make it less intrusive, or less obvious to others. Interpreting what is intrusive, or disturbing, also boundaries can be different in different cultures, referring to the anthropologist Stanley Brandes` experience when travelling to Spain to a rural place because of his research, his neighbours entered his house without invitation, or hesitation and offered their help with packing out, and they seemed to be like a large family. People who live in a big city often have a misleading, exotic image about far away small communities, and about their life circumstances. The reality is more complex, as in poor places, such as the Spanish village, people have to rely on one- another, for work, chores, et cetera. They need each-other to survive. Behind the exotic image is a fear of stealing, surveillance, and mistrust. His research shed light how different cultures are, and also things that are not always obvious about everyday life. As there is no code of conduct for being a good neighbour, also there are some cases when we can`t decide if we should act about an argument between other neighbours, or when seeing conflicts on the street. How to cite Working Class and Age Group, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Bias Essay Research Paper BiasWhat does the free essay sample
Bias Essay, Research Paper Bias What does the word prejudice intend? Bias is a mental preference or bias. The essay # 8220 ; The Position from the Bottom Rail # 8221 ; by James West Davidson and Mark Hamilton Lytle opened my eyes on how American history could be looked at as one sided and even prejudices. Even today there is still bias in America. In today # 8217 ; s society, racism and pigeonholing occur in all facets of life. It can happen because of one # 8217 ; s gender, race, faith, civilization, economic position, etc. It even occurs amongst our finest, our jurisprudence enforcement functionaries. # 8220 ; The Position from the Bottom Rail # 8221 ; explains the history of bondage. It implies a deficiency of truth from the people that the information was obtained, either black or white. Most of the black slaves could non read or compose. The 1s that did, conceal it from their Masterss. Because of this, most of the written books and paperss and even journals on bondage were written by the white Masterss. At that clip most of recorded history was based on how the white Masterss viewed bondage. You did non acquire a position on bondage from the slaves themselves. In the 1920 # 8217 ; s, black bookmans like W.E.B. Du Bois, Charles Johnson, and Carter Woodson, started a undertaking to roll up unwritten grounds from former slaves who were still populating. Even these interviews could non be viewed as 100 % accurate. One illustration, is a geographic prejudice. The people that were interviewed were merely a really little part of the 1000000s of freed slaves. Counting the figure of slaves interviewed from each province, it was discovered that there were merely 155 interviews from black people populating in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, and Kentucky, which is about 6 % of the sum figure of published interviews. Twenty-three per centum of the southern slave population lived in those provinces. In these statistics, the upper-south was unrepresented. Another illustration would be the ages of the ex-slaves interviewed. Two-thirdss of them were over 80 old ages of age, go forthing the inquiry of how accurate were their memories. Besides, most of the interviewees were under the age of 20 when they were slaves. Since the conditions for kids were non as harsh compared to grownups, they might hold an optimistic position of bondage. Finally, the different effects the interviewer had on the interviewees. There were two interviews done on the same lady named Susan Hamlin by two different interviewers. One interviewer was a white lady named Jessie Butler and the other was a black adult male named Augustus Ladsons. Susan thought Jessie was from the public assistance office. Susan perchance told Jessie what she thought Jessie would desire to hear in order to increase her opportunities of acquiring a public assistance cheque. She spoke of her maestro as though he was the kindest. All the slaves loved their maestro. He gave them places in the winter. He kept the kids with their female parents and when the war started he took everyone including the slaves to a safer topographic point. On the other manus, Susan told Augustus a wholly different narrative . She spoke of the tannings in cruel item. She besides spoke of how the slaves households were lacerate apart, and kids were taken from their female parents. There were no places given to the slaves in the winter. Which interview is closest to the truth? How make you state? In my yesteryear I have experienced many bias state of affairss. I am a Puerto Rican male life in America. I have hazel eyes and light tegument. Because of my eyes and tegument colour, I have been mistaken for Caucasian. I have had to trade with people naming me # 8220 ; white male child # 8221 ; all the clip. As a kid, one of my uncles gave me the nick name # 8220 ; gringo # 8221 ; , Spanish word for white male child. I grew up in East New York ( Brooklyn, NY ) , which is a preponderantly African American, with a few Latinos and about no Caucasic. In East New York, the African Americans and Latinos tend to acquire along. For me this was non so. Bing that I looked Caucasic, most of the African Americans and Latinos tended to hassle me and start problem, which caused tenseness invariably. In Denver back in 1992, the Denver Post ran an article on constabulary torment among Latino young persons by Judith Brimberg. The article stated there had been ailments to Mayor Wellington Webb by Northwest Denver occupants refering the constabulary torment on Latino young person because of their tegument colour. The Mayor later notified the Civilian Complaint Department of the metropolis of Denver. After the probe a study was released on August 8th,1992 saying that 100s of ailments of motiveless torment were filed with the Police Department, but were neer reported to the Civilian Complaint Division. Mayor Wellington has ordered the District Attorneys # 8217 ; Office to get down an probe of the Police Department for possible obstructor of justness charges. As of this composing the Police Department had no remark. Felipe Suarez, President of Community Board 14 in Denver said # 8220 ; This probe is long delinquent, our people have been treated like 2nd category citizens for excessively long. # 8221 ; This article is merely an illustration of how racism and stereotyping exist today amongst our jurisprudence enforcement functionaries. It does non look to count if you live in an urban or suburban community, constabulary torment seems to be all over the United States. In decision, history can be really deceptive. If one is to seek out the truth, he/she would hold to see the primary beginning of stuffs in footings of the context in which they originated. They must besides take into history all the possible prejudice that may be in their beginnings. Racism persists as a trigger for favoritism, merely like all of the # 8220 ; isms # 8221 ; that divide us: race, ethnicity, civilization, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, citizenship position and economic category. Communities or establishments that discriminate are neither whole nor healthy. We as persons should be committed to making healthy communities through civil discourse and regard, which include each of us as persons and all of us members of the whole. 30f
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
The Lotterys Tessie Hutchinson Essay Example For Students
The Lotterys Tessie Hutchinson Essay The Lotterys Tessie Hutchinson Tessie Hutchinson the unlucky loser of the lottery. Tessie draws the paper with the black mark on it and is stoned to death. She is excited about the lottery and fully willing to participate every year, but when her familys name is drawn, she protests that the lottery isnt fair. Tessie arrives at the village square late because she forgot what day it was. From the very beginning of this story, the author curiously builds up the character of Tessie Hutchinson so that she seems to deserve her cruel execution. Of all the villagers, Tessie shows up late, dressed in her apron, proclaiming that shed forgotten what day it was. Even before the lottery begins, she is already guilty of tardiness and deserves punishment Just like a student disrupting a class in school. It is ironic that one could truly forget something that is so awful. After reading the story and knowing the outcome, I wonder if Tessie was dreading this day all along. When Tessie was in no danger she was gossiping with the other ladies and even encouraged her usband to go and pick a piece of paper. We will write a custom essay on The Lotterys Tessie Hutchinson specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Tessie is somewhat of a rebel. She arrives at the lottery later than anyone else and claims that she forgot what day it was, and that it was only when she recognized that her husband and children were missing that she remembered. Tessies excuse does not seem genuine, but the crowd seems to humor her and be slightly intimidated by her. The reader can see from Tessies entrance, that she is not one to easily follow others. Tessie is dominating. She is obviously the head of her household, and even when the men are told to represent their families by drawing, Tessie orders her husband to do so before he has an opportunity to move. She says, Get up there, Bill. and the crowd laughs at her. Similarly, when the crowd discovers that the Hutchinsons drew the marked piece, Bill stands there quietly and subdued, while Tessies automatic reaction is to shout and protest. Finally, Tessies reaction to her family being chosen and ultimately her name being ttached to the marked paper illustrates her self-centeredness. At first, she wants to lessen her chances of being stoned by adding her daughter and son-in-law into the drawing, indicating that she would rather her daughter die instead of her. She seems to think that anyone, including members of her own family, deserve to die before she does. Even as she is being stoned, she protests the unfairness of the drawing but does not say final good-byes or show any concern for the children she is leaving motherless By thepromisel O
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Free Essays on Love Canal
The Love Canal In the 1890s, William T. Love began digging a canal near Niagara Falls, New York. The canal was never finished, leaving a seemingly useless hole in the ground. But when industries starting flocking to the area in later years, this trench, Love Canal, was bound to find a use. In the 1930s, various companies began dumping chemical waste into the canal. Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation purchased the land in 1942,and through 1953, they disposed an enormous amount of hazardous wastes into the canal. Instead of finding a proper place for the wastes, the company merely covered the canal over. The Niagara Falls Board of Education acquired the land and constructed a playground and elementary school there, selling the rest of the land to real estate developers. Through the next two decades, chemicals that had been dumped in Love Canal began to leach through the soil and leak into peoples' basements, contaminate underground pipes and pollute the air. It was not until the 1970s, however, that the damaging capabilities of the chemical waste recognized. The first tests on the area were undertaken by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation in 1976. In 1977, results were disclosed; according to NYDEC, groundwater was contaminated, as was air and soil. Local citizens pointed out these results to their U.S. Representatives, who called on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). In March 1978, New York's Health Commissioner saw the USEPA report, and he decided human testing would be necessary. Blood samples were drawn from Love Canal residents. A panel of physicians was assembled to evaluate the results of the tests, and they recommended drastic measures. As a result, the governor of New York declared a state health emergency. The elementary school on the Love Canal site was immediately closed and some families were relocated. The main ethical issue running through this event is the willingness of the... Free Essays on Love Canal Free Essays on Love Canal The Love Canal In the 1890s, William T. Love began digging a canal near Niagara Falls, New York. The canal was never finished, leaving a seemingly useless hole in the ground. But when industries starting flocking to the area in later years, this trench, Love Canal, was bound to find a use. In the 1930s, various companies began dumping chemical waste into the canal. Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation purchased the land in 1942,and through 1953, they disposed an enormous amount of hazardous wastes into the canal. Instead of finding a proper place for the wastes, the company merely covered the canal over. The Niagara Falls Board of Education acquired the land and constructed a playground and elementary school there, selling the rest of the land to real estate developers. Through the next two decades, chemicals that had been dumped in Love Canal began to leach through the soil and leak into peoples' basements, contaminate underground pipes and pollute the air. It was not until the 1970s, however, that the damaging capabilities of the chemical waste recognized. The first tests on the area were undertaken by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation in 1976. In 1977, results were disclosed; according to NYDEC, groundwater was contaminated, as was air and soil. Local citizens pointed out these results to their U.S. Representatives, who called on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). In March 1978, New York's Health Commissioner saw the USEPA report, and he decided human testing would be necessary. Blood samples were drawn from Love Canal residents. A panel of physicians was assembled to evaluate the results of the tests, and they recommended drastic measures. As a result, the governor of New York declared a state health emergency. The elementary school on the Love Canal site was immediately closed and some families were relocated. The main ethical issue running through this event is the willingness of the...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Nosferatu and Twilight Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Nosferatu and Twilight - Essay Example Gender roles have been discriminated in these films have been discriminated in the film. However, the contemporary vampire films also portray gender discrimination. Although female gender roles have evolved throughout vampire tales the contemporary vampire tales, Twilight, continues to reinforce the stereotypical representation of gender roles. In the nineteenth-century role of women have been challenged in the different literature, however, the similar concepts still continue to be a part of contemporary vampire films. The main focus of this paper is to analyze the reinforcement of stereotypical gender roles. In order to determine the gender roles in vampire films, the female characters of Nosferatu and Twilight are analyzed. The role of female in the nineteenth century of the film Nosferatu (Mina Harker) has been compared with the contemporary female character of Twilight (Twilight). The character of Bella Swan of twilight does not portray stereotypes gender roles of man and women characters. Bella Swan is totally dependent on her boyfriend Edward Cullen. She can go to any extent to have Edward in her life, even to give away her life and become a vampire for Edward. The several feminist scholars have criticized Bella as it represents gender stereotype. Edward is mesmerized in love of Edward; she is a submissive woman who can sacrifice anything to have her vampire boyfriend, even without her werewolf admirer. Bell turns down everything in her life just to ensure that Edward is around her. She jumps off a cliff, disobeys her father and is extremely hopeless without Edward (Bella Not the Role Model). It reflects that the character of Bella Swan demonstrates the similar stereotype gender role of a woman in a society (Bella Not the Role Model). The character illustrates that a woman becomes hopeless in her life, as she is ready to make every extend in her life, Bella is stubborn and does not have control on her emotions due to which she is
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Description Essay on Fairness Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Description on Fairness - Essay Example In sports, fairness is often associated with the umpiring decisions. For example, in a cricket match, the umpire can rule a batsman out if the ball hits the leg of the batsmen. However, the umpire should make sure that the ball was heading towards the stumps before it was hit on the pads or legs of the batsmen, before ruling against the batsmen. There are many cases, in which the umpire commits mistakes while giving leg before wicket (LBW) decisions against batsmen. Under such circumstances, people often label it as an unfair decision. On the other hand, if the umpire makes the correct decision, people will accept it as a fair decision. In politics, governments often take some decisions in favor and against the interests of the people. For example, crude oil prices are fluctuating in global market and because of that many governments in the world forced to adjust the petroleum prices in their country. For example, Indian government recently increased the prices of petrol in domestic market several times. Wall Street Journal dated 4 November, 2011 has pointed out that â€Å"The opposition lashed out at the UPA govt for raising petrol prices with BJP attributing it to the Govt’s mismanagement and the Left parties asking all their state units to launch nationwide protests†(India This Evening: Opposition Attacks UPA on Petrol Price Rise). In short, the petroleum price hikes in India is not labeled as a fair decision by the opposition parties even though, ruling coalition government label it as a fair decision, considering the price hikes of crude oil in global market. In criminal justice system also, the word fairness is used extensively while analyzing the punishments given to the criminals. While Saddam got the capital punishment, many of the people labeled it as an unfair decision whereas many others accepted it as a fair decision. Same way when Gadhafi was killed, many of the supporters of Gadhafi labeled it as an unfair decision from the part of the revolutionists. There are many instances in which criminals escape from punishments whereas innocents suffered punishments because of the loopholes in criminal justice systems. In such cases also people wills say that the criminal justice system failed to maintain fairness while labeling a person as criminal or innocent. Media industry is another areas in which the word fairness often brings controversies. Media often report news with color. In some cases, it may create or fabricate false stories about prominent people in order to raise its ratings and popularity. In such cases, we will say that the4 media did not show any fairness while reporting news. In marketing also we often use the word fairness. For example, there are many instances in which sales people use bad tactics to close the sales. They may even spread false stories about the product and services of the competitors. At the same time, there are many sales professionals who keep certain integrity in their professio nal life. In the first case, we will say that fairness was not maintained whereas in the second case we will say that fairness was maintained. In business or in beauty industry, the word fairness holds a completely different meaning. Many of the cosmetic products available in the market claim that it can increase the fairness of a person. There are lots of fairness creams available in the market. These products claim that consistent usage of it may provide fairness to the skin. Here fairness means better skin
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Democratic Peace Theory
The Democratic Peace Theory The primary claim of democratic peace proponents is that democratic states do not wage war against each other[1]. This theory is based on the findings of Immanuel Kant in the late 18th century. In his findings Kant argues that the natural evolution of world politics and economics would drive mankind inexorably toward peace by means of a widening of the pacific union of liberal republican states.[2] According to Kants theory liberal republics insure that the state interests are transferred from single monarch to the society thus making wars less probable. This assumption can be explained by a notion that in democratic societies the decision of waging wars is transferred from a monarch to the average citizen who bears the costs of war. Furthermore, the interdependence between national interests and citizens self-interests establishes a tendency of placing ultimate authority in the hands of the average voter[3] thus reducing the chance for well-institutionalized democracies to fight war s against each other. Michael Doyle in his publication Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs adds another principle of pacification to Kants list of three definitive articles of liberal constitutions. According to Doyle: The regular rotation of office in liberal democratic polities is a nontrivial device that helps ensure that personal animosities among heads of government provide no lasting, escalating source of tension[4]. The inner state check and balance system does not exclude the probability of war between states, but instead it explains that liberal wars are only fought for popular, liberal purposes[5]. Accordingly, most common argument of democratic peace theory is the constitutional and legal restraints on executive action. In other words placing constraints on the ability of leaders to fight other democracies are the foundations of peace in democratic states. The democratic peace theory also suggests that Democracy tends to foster economic interdependence, which reduces the likelihood of war. Firstly, it is more likely for countries who share the same values, to have close economic ties with each other. The economic interdependence significantly reduces the probability of confrontation between states. The preponderance of systematic evidence for at least the post-World War II era, however, suggests that mutual economic interdependence, measured as the share of dyadic trade to GNP in the country where that trade is proportionately smaller, is strongly associated with peaceful relations in subsequent years.[6] In other words, economic interdependence helps create transnational ties that promote peace rather than conflict. Furthermore, states have a mutual benefit from the economic relations and conflict with each other is going to harm their economy. Thus, the potential loss of trade and its negative impact on countries critical imports or exports decreases the willingness of both sides to fight. Based on historical evidence, despite the liberal claim that democracies have never gone to war with each other, there have been more conflicts than instances of cooperation situation which provides a fertile ground for realism to flourish. Up until the end of the Cold War realism was the dominant theory of international relations as it explained most of the political events. However, after the end of the Cold War started crisis of realism due to the circumstances that it failed to predict or predicted wrongly several events, especially the unification of Germany (October 1990), dissolution of Warsaw Pact (July 1991) and the end of Cold War (dissolution of USSR December 1991). None of this events resolved in a hegemonic war as many realist predicted. It seems as if other theory such as democratic peace theory is better at explaining the events after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The democratic peace theory gives a logical explanation of the events which lead to peaceful disso lution of Soviet Union and end of the Cold War. Any understanding of the change in the Soviet Unions international behavior, before its political fragmentation, and in time reciprocated by the West, demands attention to the three legs on which the liberal vision of Immanuel Kants Perpetual Peace Stands. This stands are: 1. Development of Liberalization and democratization process in Soviet Union; 2. Desire to enter western markets rise of economical interdependence; and 3. influence of the International organizations. As Emmanuel Kant has predicted in his findings the natural evolution of world politics and economics would drive mankind inexorably toward peace by means of a widening of the pacific union of liberal republican states.[7] Democracy, economic interdependence and international organizations constitute the basis of the 21st century international relations. [1] Edward D.Mansfield and Jack Snyder, Democratization and the Danger of War, P8 [2] Michael W. Doyle, Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs, Part 2, p349 [3] Edward D.Mansfield and Jack Snyder, Democratization and the Danger of War, P21 [4] Michael W. Doyle, Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs, p.230 [5] Ibid. [6] Bruce Russet, a neo-Kantian perspective: democracy, interdependence, and international organizations in building security communities, Security Communities, Cambridge University Press, P.374 [7] Michael W. Doyle, Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs, Part 2, p349
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogations Essay -- Evolution, Social C
â€Å"Postmodern†is a complicated term, and so are â€Å"postmodernity†, â€Å"postmodernism†and â€Å"postmodernist†, and every other term one might come across in the way of evolution. According to Andreas Saugstad (2001) different postmodern theorists may have contrasting opinions and thinkers from different areas may have contrasting definitions of the term â€Å"postmodern†. Thus, the postmodern debates influenced the cultural and intellectual scene in many areas throughout the world. These terms have been used in literature, social studies, philosophy, arts and architecture. On the same hand on cultural level, discussions emerged whether modernism was dead or not and what kind of postmodernism was inheriting it. In the philosophical sphere, according to Steven Best and Douglas Kellner(1991), the erupted discussions were also concentrating on whether or not the traditions of modern philosophy had ended, and many theorists began pra ising a new postmodern philosophy related with Derrida, Jean-Francios Lyotard, Nietzsche, Baudrillard and more. Furthermore, the postmodern debates produced innovative, social and political theories, as well as theoretical struggles to define the multilayered postmodern phenomenon. On the other hand, according to The American Heritage Dictionary (1991) the postmodern can be described as â€Å"relating to art, literature and architecture, that reacts against earlier modernist principles, as by reintroducing traditional, classical or modernist elements of style to the extremes.†According to Steven Connor(1989) the â€Å"postmodern†terminology was firstly used by a number of writers in the 1950s and 1960s, however the concept can’t be said to have taken shape until the 1980s. As Hans Bertens(1995) poin... ...ations. 1st ed. Macmillan education ltd. London. Connor, S, 1989. Postmodern Culture: An introduction to theories of the contemporary. 2nd ed. Oxford: London University. The Free Dictionary. 2013. Postmodern. [online] Available at: [ Accessed on 05 November 2013] Andreas Saugstad, 2001. Postmodernism: What is it and What is wrong with it? [online] Available at: [Accessed on 10 November 2013] Glossary Terms. 2003. Encyclopedia of Marxism. [online] Available at: [Accessed on 10 November 2013] Vineet Prakash, 2007. Essay on Postmodernism. [online] Available at: [Accessed on 08 November 2013]
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Earth Layers Research Paper
How do scientists know what is in the center of the earth? How can we know what the core of the earth is made of, if scientists have never studied any materials from a depth below 7. 5 miles? Earth is approximately 4. 6 billion years old, and over this time period, many things have changed inside and out. The formation of our planet is quite amazing. Earth consists of multiple layers. The three most distinct or main layers are the core, mantle and crust. The inner portion is the core, in the middle is the mantle, and the outside is the crust. Over the course of this paper, the composition and formation of these layers will be described more specifically. According to ‘Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology’, â€Å"The inner core did not exist early in earth’s history, when our planet was hotter. However, as the Earth cooled, iron began to crystalize at the center to form the solid inner core and even today the inner core continues to grow as the planet cools. †The idea is that the core is composed of an iron-nickel alloy with traces of oxygen, silicon, and sulfur. The average density of this iron rich substance is fourteen times the density of water. The core is split into two separate regions, inner and outer core. The inner core is spherical and has a radius of 750 miles. The iron located within the inner core is solid, despite the high temperature; this is because of the mighty pressures in the middle of earth. The outer core is about 1400 miles thick and is a layer of liquid. Earth’s magnetic field is the cause of the movement of metallic iron within this area. The mantle contains eighty two percent of the volume of Earth. It is described as a rocky, solid shell that goes 1800 miles deep. The mantle consists of an upper and lower section. From the edge of the crust to about four hundred miles deep is considered the upper mantle. The upper mantle is divided into three separate parts. The lithosphere forms the rigid outer shell of Earth, making it the upper most part. In some areas below continents it can be more than 250 kilometers thick. Below the lithosphere lies the asthenosphere, which is a soft and weak layer. The top part of this layer has a temperature that causes some melting, which causes the lithosphere to detach from the layer and move independently. The upper part of the asthenosphere is near its melting point which makes it so weak. Below the asthenosphere, down about 660 kilometers deep is the section of the mantle known as the transition zone. The lower mantle is the largest part of the mantle. It lies at a depth of 660 kilometers down to 2900 kilometers. Increased pressure causes the mantle to strengthen as it becomes deeper. There is a layer between the lowest part of the rocky mantle and the hot outer core known as the â€Å"Dee double prime†. The face or rocky outer skin of the earth is known as the crust. The major features of the crust include the difference between the continental crust and oceanic crust. Oceanic crust is composed of basalt, a dark igneous rock, and is roughly five miles thick. Continental crust consists of many rock types, unlike oceanic crust. The thickness of continental crust averages about twenty five miles, but can be up to forty miles thick in some mountainous areas. Oceanic crust is denser because of the basalt in it. All the layers that make up the solid Earth are considered the geosphere. Above this sphere is called the biosphere. The biosphere includes all forms of life on our planet. The hydrosphere is a mass amount of water that is constantly on the move. From the oceans, it evaporates to the atmosphere, precipitates to the land, and then runs back to the ocean. About seventy percent of the planet’s surface consists of global ocean. The final sphere of Earth is the atmosphere and without it life here would not exist. The atmosphere is divided into five layers. The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth. This layer starts at the surface of Earth and extends outward about ten miles. It is in this area that weather occurs. Roughly eighty percent of the atmosphere is located in the troposphere. The stratosphere is the layer above the troposphere. This layer extends thirty miles above the planet’s surface. The temperature of this layer does rise, however it still remains below freezing. The next layer is the mesosphere, and rises about forty to fifty miles above the surface of Earth. The air is very thin in this layer and can reach temperatures as low as -184 degrees Fahrenheit. This layer is considered the middle atmosphere along with the troposphere. The thermosphere extends several hundred miles above the surface. The temperature of this layer can rise up to 2000 degrees Celsius. The thermosphere is considered the upper atmosphere. The top of the thermosphere is known as the exosphere. The exosphere rises 6200 miles above the Earth. This layer is called the outermost layer of Earth’s atmosphere. So how do we know what we know? Geologists have discovered a lot about the core of our planet by looking at Earth’s magnetic field and measuring seismic waves as they pass through the earth. Changes in these waves are studied, and Geologists are able to draw up conclusions about the Earths density and what it must look like inside. Rocks that originated in the mantle, and were collected at Earth’s surface have provided evidence that supports the composition of our planets interior. Meteorites also provide important clues for the composition of the core and mantle. These meteorites are important because they show samples of planetesimals, the material from which Earth and the inner planets were formed. Advances in technology have provided studies that support composition and density of the layers of Earth, such as the introduction of seismic wave studies that indicate what we know of the Earths layers today. Bibliography Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology. Tenth edition. Tarbuck Lutgens and Tasa
Friday, January 3, 2020
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel in Spanish With Translation Notes
Here is a Spanish version of the popular Christmas carol and Advent hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel. The song, whose author is unknown, comes originally from Latin, dating to around the 11th century, and is known in both English and Spanish in multiple versions. This Spanish version is one of the most popular.  ¡Oh ven!,  ¡Oh ven, Emanuel!  ¡Oh ven!,  ¡Oh ven, Emanuel!Libra al cautivo Israel,Que sufre desterrado aquà ,Y espera al Hijo de David. Estribillo: ¡Alà ©grate, oh Israel!Vendrà ¡, ya viene Emanuel.  ¡Oh ven, Tà º, Vara de Isaà !Redime al pueblo infelizDel poderà o infernalY danos vida celestial.  ¡Oh ven, Tà º, Aurora celestial!Alà ºmbranos con tu verdad,Disipa toda oscuridad,Y danos dà as de solaz.  ¡Oh ven, Tà º, Llave de David!Abre el celeste hogar feliz;Haz que lleguemos bien allà ¡,Y cierra el paso a la maldad. English Translation of Spanish Version Oh come! Oh come, Emmanuel!Free captive IsraelWhich here suffers, displaced,And waits for the Son of David. Chorus:Be joyful, O Israel!He will come, Emmanuel is coming. O come, You, Rod of IsraelRedeem the unhappy peopleFrom hells powerAnd give us heavenly life. O You, come, celestial light of dawn!Illuminate us with your truth,Dispel all darkness,And give us days of solace. O come, You, Davids Key.Open the happy heavenly home.Make it so we arrive there well,And close the path to evil. Translation Notes Oh: This interjection usually expresses amazement or happiness, so it isnt always the equivalent of oh. It is far more common in poetic writing than in everyday speech. It should not be confused with the homophone and conjunction o, meaning or, even though it is pronounced the same. Ven: The Spanish verb venir, usually meaning to come is highly irregular. Ven is the singular, familiar imperative form, so in Spanish this song unambiguously is written as if speaking to Emanuel. Emanuel: The Spanish word here is a personal name transliterated from Hebrew, meaning God is with us. The name is still used today, often in the shortened form of Manuel. In Christianity, the name usually refers to Jesus. Libra: This is the singular familiar imperative form of librar, meaning to free or liberate. Al: Al is a contraction of a (to) and el (the). The use of the personal a in the second line indicates that Israel is being personified. Desterrado: The adjective desterrado is derived from the noun tierra, meaning Earth. In this context, it means exiled, referring to someone removed from his or her homeland. In informal contexts, it can mean banished. Danos: It is common to attach object pronouns to verbs in the imperative mood. Here the pronoun nos, or us, is attached to imperative of dar. Tà º: The familiar form of you is used throughout this hymn as it is the pronoun that Spanish-speaking Christians use in prayer while addressing God or Jesus. Vara de Isaà : A vara is a rod or stick. Isaà is a poetically shortened form of the name Isaà as, or Isaiah. The reference here is to Isaiah 11:1 in the Christian Old Testament that there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse. Christians have interpreted this as a prophecy of the Messiah, whom they believe to be Jesus. In the common English version of this hymn, the line is Come O rod of Jesses stem. Redime: From the verb redimir, to redeem. Poderà o: This noun, usually translated as power, comes from the verb poder, to have ability or power. Poderà o often refers to the power available to someone or something that has authority or financial or military might. Alà ©grate: From the reflexive form of the verb alegrar, to be happy or joyous. Aurora: The aurora is the first light of dawn. In the English version, Dayspring is used here. Alumbranos: Alumbrar means to enlighten or to give light. Disipar: Although this verb can be translated as to dissipate, in the context of this song it is better translated as to get rid of or to dispel. Oscuridad: This word can mean obscurity, as when referring ideas. But it far more often means darkness. The related adjective is oscuro. Solaz: In some contexts, solaz refers to rest or relaxation. It is a cognate of the English solace. Llave de David: This phrase, meaning key of David, is a reference to an Old Testament verse, Isaiah 22:22, which Christians have understood to refer symbolically to the authority of the coming Messiah. Lleguemos: This verb for is an example of the subjunctive mood. Llegar is a common verb meaning to arrive. Note that llegar is irregular because the -g- of the stem changes to -gu- when followed by an e to maintain the correct pronunciation. Celeste: Here, this word has the meaning of celestial. However, in other contexts it can refer to the blue color of the sky. Placing the adjective before the noun, hogar, gives it a stronger emotional impact. Haz: This is an irregular form of hacer. Maldad: The suffix dad- is used to turn an adjective, in this case mal or bad, to a noun.
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