Thursday, December 26, 2019
Suffering From Alcoholism, A Jewish New Yorker With The...
Suffering from alcoholism, a Jewish New Yorker with the name of Jimmy Lerner, subsequently joins a local support group called alcoholics anonymous, also known as A.A.. In pursuit to change his life in a positive manner he attends the classes every Monday night in his town of Danville. While at one of the meetings he meets a man named Dwayne Hassleman. After forming a bond, they exchange contact information which led to obsessive late night phone calls by Mr. Hassleman. Being aggravated, Lerner blocks his number, but notwithstanding encounters the man furthermore down the road after Lerner as well as his wife had agreed upon a divorce. Dwayne is a compulsive drug abuser, swarms Jimmy every day with some kind of attention. With a few†¦show more content†¦Currently wielding a staggering metal belt buckle, the man that is described as the â€Å"monster†goes into distinct detail as to how he is going to end Jimmy, nevertheless, finishing off the brutal description with hi s intentions on what he had planned for his daughters after he had finished Lerner. Being a loving father of his two teenage daughters Lerner breaks loose of the snug grip, in result, the enraged father launches his fist connecting with the face of the deranged man. Spewing blood everywhere, Lerner wraps the belt around his opponent s neck, in result, Lerner pulls with a great force until Hassleman s neck snapped. With a lifeless body lying in a pool of blood, the Las Vegas diamond suite that once appeared as a luxury room, now looks as if a war had just ended. Being found guilty of murder, landed Lerner a long extended time period of two to twelve years in prison, Lerner is not the average joe in the prison population. Inmates who are incarcerated tend to be uneducated people that strongly lack a literate mind. Possessing an M.B.A, Lerner is looked at as if he knows all the answers to anything. The diverse ethnicity in the correctional system seems to be segregated. Caucasians asso ciate with other Caucasians, African Americans associate with African Americans, as well as the Hispanics associate with other Hispanics. Each different ethnic group tends to have their own particular nickname.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Inequality in Latin America Essay - 3137 Words
Although Latin America has faced many social, political, and economic issues within the last three centuries, inequality remains one of the most important, historical, and omnipresent aspects of the region’s culture. As Europeans took over Latin America during the time of colonization, they implemented many elitist social structures that have held strong and are evident today (Harris). Income inequality is the most visible and greatest disparity that the region faces; yet inequality between gender, ethnicities, and education remain strong and significant problems with a necessity for improvement. Inequality of wealth and disparity of power and influence are Latin American’s greatest curses and are at the root of many of the†¦show more content†¦Only few Europeans came over to colonize, but their human capital, technology, wealth, and legal and economic institutions made it effortless to take control. Spain emerged as the leader in colonizing the New World and implemented encomiendas, aiding certain elites and giving little to the rest of the population. The Catholic Church, fueling Spain and Portugal’s exclusive ownership of land, led to social mobility and acquisition of titles. Led by elites, the Church had favorable settler condition and acquired land in order to gain immense wealth and express their position of elitism (Harris). The prompt initial land inequality fostered concentrated political power as well. Elites controlled the governments in order to protect their interests and diminish all possibilities of shifts of power to the lower classes (De Ferranti). After many countries in Latin America received their independence, limited change of conditions occurred and the elite maintained control in the new republics. The basis for economic inequality remained the same and the patterns persisted. In the early 19th century, the majority of countries had developed republican democracies yet the upper class still had the power to act in their own interests. A direct bearing established the extent of the elite’s ability to influence the formation of government policies. Landowners opposed any institutional change that could transfer powerShow MoreRelatedThe Inequality Of Latin America1673 Words  | 7 Pagesmines and fields and who served them, too, at table and in bed†(Chasteen 5). Many people would say this is where inequality in Latin America began, with colonization. However, colonization is just a small piece of the roots of inequality of the region, which actually started with the natives of the lands such as the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans. These three empires ruled most of the Latin American region and did so by conquering other native groups or tribes. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Design Thinking free essay sample
Why has Apple been so successful? What do you attribute it to? For several years, Apple has been ranked as the most innovative company in the world, but how it has achieved such success remains mysterious because of the companys obsession with secrecy. Now researchers and business men have found more about its success. According to the case, the main reasons are showed as following. Product: 1. Technology innovation Computers, music players, smartphones, etc are major products at Apple. In this field, technology is the first consideration. Constant innovation keeps Apple as the pioneer; otherwise, it cannot even exist. â€Å"Think differently†, is always what stuff at Apple do, they are always against Conventional Wisdom. â€Å"Innovation†to Apple, means both creating and eliminating. Constant learning and adaption is the reason to explain some â€Å"anti-business†behavior at Apple. However, Apple doesn’t develop the technology without any consideration. For every step it takes, it will pay attention to resources, market research, and potential feedback. Innovation always comes with risk, so Apple’s success must also attribute to its caution. 2. Product development strategy Someone regards the products at Apple as a kind of modern art, since its design is so fashionable and attract so many loyal customers. However, according to Apple, â€Å"there is more to coolness than fashion†, since it is the combination of art and technology. To those decision makers, beautiful, smooth, and consistent interface didn’t sacrifice features, some of which would not be seen on other PCs until years later. To customers, what they really expect is high technology, simplicity and customer-friendly interface; although beautiful and colorful looking of products can be very trendy, customers will not pay for Apple without unique technologies. Jobs drives the notion of design-as-product-integrity. He believed, the ntegrity of the entire product’s design, from its â€Å"intention†through its concept development, through the process of making it and, ultimately, to the user’s experience of working with itâ€â€such that the simplicity that resulted becomes the ultimate sophistication. Apple utilizes Platform Strategy so that their products and future products win the absolute loyalty from their followers. It can be taken as a kind of business magic. With a family of products envisioned at the earliest sta ges of product concept and planning, this kind of innovation requires designers and engineers to think ahead. This strategy is proved to be successful, since companies who put a premium on design, resources and time invested into the initial product is leveraged across derivative products; these products can be developed and ramped up more quickly because they build on and make use of existing design elements in the platform. At the same time, customers will have to rely more on this family of products and expect more from it. Apple is very efficient at grasping the heart of customers. Mac operating system developed and utilized by Apple products can be regarded only operation system to compete with Windows. Mac and Windows are not compatible to each other. Although Windows developed much earlier than Mac, more young people and business people turn to Mac. One of major reasons is that documents, files and all information in their Mac can also be used in their IPHONE, IPAD and other apple products. Consumer: 3. Consumer- oriented strategy To IT industry, they can create demand in the market, but what they most should do is to satisfy expectation and need of consumers. The idea that design should be driven first by user needs and desires is reinforced by Cordell Ratzlaff. Apple’s consumer-oriented strategy is illustrated in their products, design thinking, services, etc. Simplicity in Design and Use, is one of the major characteristics of products at Apple. In the process of design, the stuff focuses on each detail that would influence using experience. The diversity of products can satisfy all kinds of need from customers. â€Å"†¦the best way is to design software at Apple is with the customer, which is now called participatory design. Interactive customer involvement in the design process guarantees that the products meet the expectations from customers. They create their â€Å"beautiful products†for their customers. Moreover, the most successful point is that Apple educate and cultivate the customers, and when Apple has been culture internationally, it has obtained success in business and society. Distribution channels 4. D istribution channels Apple has hundreds of Apple Stores worldwide. Although Dell succeeded with Internet sales, Apple chooses â€Å"brick store†but not â€Å"click store†. Dell’s pattern cuts down cost and improves the profits accordingly in short term, however, it also makes Dell lose potential consumers. In the other way, the Retail stores bring Apple more customers; â€Å"foot traffic†attracts curious customers to step into the store and try the products; in this way, Apple can be more accessible. Apple also builds flagship stores in major cities of each country, these stores act as a place for experiment marketing. Execution and Leadership 5. Excellence in Execution and Leadership A good founder and leader is always the reason for success. Steve Jobs and Apple seem like interchangeable terms. Jobs insists his idea and ways to manage his business. His ability, confidence, sensibility and innovative thinking contribute to all the success. Excellence in Execution not only requires a good leader but also cooperation and agreement from other executives and employees. Jobs’ leave upsets all his fans; however, it will not stop people’s enthusiasm for Apple’s products. When Steve Jobs took a leave of absence in 2009 to receive a liver transplant, Cook ran the company. The products rolled on, the stock went up†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , success of one enterprise is not only the effort of one person, but Jobs builds a solid foundation and culture for Apple. The excellence in execution will continue in the future. Apple will be a classical case for new product development, since its innovation has changed the history, influenced the life style of one or two gene ration. Its success is not only innovation, but also its management strategies and creative sense.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Grand About Reconstruction Essay Example For Students
The Grand About Reconstruction Essay The Civil War was inevitable and regardless of the outcome on the fields of battle, the reconstruction of the nation was equally inevitable because as much as the North and the South had irrevocable differences, it was in the mutual interest of the North, the South and the West to maintain a relationship based on symbiosis. The Civil War and the reconstruction of the nation were bound to happen. There was a great diversity throughout the nation within the three sections. Differences in opinions and rules in slavery, economic and civilization differences are all examples of causes of the Civil War. However, the reconstruction of the nation was necessary, because the three sections needed each other to survive. We will write a custom essay on The Grand About Reconstruction specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Civil war was inevitable. Because of the great diversity between the North and the South, the Civil War was bound to happen. Slavery was one of the many causes of the Civil War. It presented a moral issue, since it dealt with human beings and invaded individual freedom and democratic ideals. Slavery greatly distinguished the South from the North, and was the major issue dividing the two sections. The differences in economy also added to the cause of the Civil War. The South had become agricultural, and the North had become industrial. These economic differences led to sectional rivalry on issues such as slavery and the protective tariff. The interpretation of the federal Union differed between the two sections as well. The South insisted that the federal Union was created by the states; therefore, any state had the right to secede. The North thought otherwise; they believed that people created the Union and no state had the right to secede. The South favored, and the North opposed the extension of slavery into the West. Most of the West became tied economically to the North by a network of railroads and trade. Southerners realized that Western lands were not suitable for cotton culture, and realized that they were losing Western support, and the South would remain a minority section in the Union. The North and the South had differences in civilization. A small aristocracy of influential planter families dominated the Southern civilization, compared to the more dynamic and democratic Northern civilization. This difference in civilizations made understanding each others point of view difficult, which added to the causes of the war. Lastly, people in both the North and the South exaggerated differences. The Northerners gave unfair stereotypes of Southern slave owners, as the Southerners did with free-soilers and Republicans. All of these elements added to the cause of the Civil War, and no single cause brought about the Civil War. The reconstruction of the nation was equally inevitable because as much as the North and the South had irrevocable differences, it was in the mutual interest of the North, the South, and the West to maintain a relationship based on symbiosis. The simulation showed how one section depended upon the other two, as well as outside countries and states such as Great Britain, Japan, Hawaii and California for various things. Trade was one of the most important elements in the simulation. Trade routes were necessary for the shipment of raw materials, finished products, goods, and many more items. The South had full control of the most important water route, the Mississippi River. It was necessary for the West and the North to deal with the South to gain use of this water way. The west sold Kansas and land from Texas to Arkansas (excluding Missouri) to the South for a mere $2 million, but gained free use of the Mississippi River from Iowa to Louisiana. The North provided free use of the Mississippi River and agreed to prohibit use of the Mississippi River to the West. The West built a railroad throughout the West to the port of San Diego, which will be open to all. The South provided slaves to build a railroad from Alabama to Pennsylvania. .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 , .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 .postImageUrl , .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 , .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134:hover , .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134:visited , .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134:active { border:0!important; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134:active , .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134 .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucae6c7ccd7b37f4394d02cd4b920b134:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Narcissist?s Mother Essay The North provided technical assistance and material to build the railroad. Both the North and the South had free use of the railroad. The West and the North agreed to constant trade for 20 years. The West sold cattle, rum and raw materials. .
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